Engy Ziedan
1. Mortality Effects of Healthcare Supply Shocks: Evidence Using Linked Deaths and Electronic Health Records (With Kosali Simon and Coady Wing) NBER article here Revise and Resubmit at The Review of Economics and Statistics
nber bulletin summary here
2. Assessment of Filled Buprenorphine Prescriptions for Opioid Use Disorder During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic (with Thuy Nugyen, Sumedha Gupta, Caleb Alexander, Brendan Saloner and Bradley Stein) JAMA Internal Medicine
3. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Buprenorphine and Extended-Release Naltrexone Filled Prescriptions During the COVID-19 Pandemic (With Thuy Nugyen, Sumedha Gupta, Kosali Simon, Jennifer Miles, Stephen Crystal, Hillary Samples) JAMA Network Open
4. Did the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Reduce Readmissions? An Assessment of Prior Evidence and New Estimates (with Robert Kaestner) Evaluation Review
Article PDF (NBER Working paper:29545)
5. Mortality and Socioeconomic Consequences of Prescription Opioids: Evidence from State Policies (With Robert Kaestner) Labour Economics
Article PDF (NBER Working paper:26135)
Media : VOXEU , Cato, Brookings
6. Effect of Prescription Opioids and Prescription Opioid Control Policies on Infant Health (With Robert Kaestner) Article PDF (NBER Working paper: 26749) The Southern Economic Journal
7. Teaching controversial and contemporary topics in economics using a jigsaw literature review activity." With Patrick Button , LaPorchia A. Collins, Augustine Denteh, Mónica García-Pérez, Ben Harrell, Elliott Isaac. The Journal of Economic Education.
Work in Progress
​8. Racial Segregation in Ambulatory Healthcare–New Evidence from Electronic Medical Records Data With Marcella Alsan (Harvard), M. Kate Bundorf(Duke), Melissa McInerney(Tufts), Alberto Ortega(Indiana), Kosali Simon(Indiana) and Ruth Winecoff (Rutgers)
9. Inducements and Spontaneous Labor (with Amanda Kowalski and U Michigan Research team).
10. Provider Payments and the Direction of Innovation: The Case of the Wearable Artificial Kidney (With Diane Alexander) (early draft and code available upon request) NBER SI Slides
11. Medicaid Disenrollment post the Covid19 Health Emergency (with Sumedha Gupta, Kosali Simon and Coady Wing)
12. Covid19 Shutdowns and Fetal Scanning. With Daniel Dench (Georgia Tech), Cici McNamara (Georgia Tech) and Howard Minkoff (SUNY Downstate).
Other papers:
Coady Wing)
Article PDF (NBER Working paper:27621)
Media : WSJ, DailyMail, WWLTV , Forbes
14. The Effects of School Reopenings on COVID-19 Hospitalizations (with Doug Harris and Susan Hassig)
Media : NPR, ChalkBeat, Edweek, US NEWS, New York Times, CDC
15. Does Makena work? A quasi-experimental approach to examine the drug treating preterm. (With Xuanhao He)